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Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018

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You are my childrens

i want to share my knowledge to you
Yes, with you...
please keep your body to every one
Never show your body like animals
because animals don't have reason
because your body only for your wife or husband
Yes, just for your wife or your husband
So be wise and always be considerate
I want you read the kalamullah (Zabur, Taurat, Injil, and Al-Qur'an)
every day and always thinking possitive
and don't forget to pray and said thank's to God of universe
That is my messages to you, oh my childrens.
A, M, in.

Note :
In do one asia
En glish
Problems : angry, hungry, and worry
Solutions : always pray and cry
Hurry up life in this world is very short
So, always remember for reading the holy books
Created of God to be goods
A good goods is you
All alhamdulillah wa innalillah

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